Not Your Average Dog Trainer.

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

That's our slogan. But there are many of our colleagues that fall into the same category. What does it mean to be "not average". It means a commitment to our clients to bring the most up-to-date, evidence-based, humane training techniques and skills to their families. It means obtaining and maintaining our credentials. It means creating low-cost and accessible training and behavior services. It means community outreach to educate the public on how to solve common problems, retain adoptions, prevent relinquishment. Advocating for regulation and supporting future generations and colleagues.

It means that we foster safe and inclusive environments and are learning how to continuously do better for dogs and their humans. It means helping owners move away from outdated methods by building their confidence and strengths and advocating against outdated practices.

It means addressing concerns and being transparent. Walking with our clients along their journey and teaching life skills for current and future dogs.

We don't see you as a number or think that we have a magical cure. We are upfront with realistic expectations and goals and want our humans to understand why we are teaching things to their dogs (and them). We lift our clients up and encourage them while setting up for success. If you are ready for the next step in training, let us know. If you want someone near you let us know we will be happy to connect you with "not your average dog trainer".

#AllBigCanines #GoodDog #PalmSprings #CoachellaValley


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